Renowned model, Lynn Hung (熊黛林) returned from Beijing to Hong Kong on 18 December and left a message on Weibo at midnight that she found a checklist left by the airline company upon opening the luggage and it was ransacked by the company without her knowledge. The additional battery for the camera was confiscated and should left the contact details for her.

Lynn wrote: "The airline company should contact us for prohibited items when undergoing the scanner and we will definitely cooperate. They should left the contact details even if leaving the checklist and confiscating the battery. How to get it back? They confiscate silently???"

Many netizens commented that it was common sense especially for frequent traveller and it was right for the airline company to confiscate prohibited items after reading Lynn's message. But some netizens understood Lynn's situation and the airline company should allow her to retrieve the confiscated item. Also for safety precaution, the airline company has the right to open the luggage in order to prevent any prohibited items.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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