TVB actor, Vincent Wong (王浩信) is nominated for TV King award based on his role as village leader in Over Run Over (EU超時任務) series and a list about Tracy Chu (朱千雪) and he won TV Queen and King awards respectively based on Over Run Over series was circulating online.

Vincent is currently filming The Unlawful Justice Squad (踩過界) series and accepted the interview from ON.CC (東網): "It is inaccurate but thank you to them anyway. I feel happy if Tracy wins TV Queen award and she has good connections with the audiences but her acting skills need improvements though. Hope more audiences will support her. (Does the netizens' supports increase your confidence?) Yes, thank you for voting me. I try not to think that much and am looking forward to it as it is a grand ceremony every year." Vincent and his wife attended an event together earlier and will be spending New Year's eve together. It is believed that they will remain popular until next year!

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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