Dayo Wong (黃子華) and Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) attended the opening ceremony of HMV at the Central on 18 January. Charmaine wears a sexy black dress and both will be filming comedy and action series during Lunar New Year. When asked if any kissing scenes, Dayo said: Must let the lady to say it as guys are normally reactive and it depends if the lady is willing to do it."

Mentioning about Andy Lau (劉德華) fell down from the horse during filming in Thailand, Dayo was shocked and said: "Huh? When does it happen? He returns to Hong Kong for treatment and hopes he is fine. He is always strong and hope everyone will have a safe Lunar New Year." Dayo added he fell down from the horse before but did not have any major injury.

Charmaine disclosed there was no limits about filming but could not touch her neck: "My neck is injured before. (Has kissing scene with Dayo?) It is a comedy drama and he used to make fun of me during filming previously. My talking skills is not as good as him and he still remembers I use a toothpick holder to pat on his head." She commented Dayo was petty and he avoided it when I had slight hand movement at that time.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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