Actress Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) accepted an interview from radio station and signed contract with Wong Cho Lam's (王祖藍) company. A few days during the press conference, Sheren expressed money was not most important as she knew Cho Lam for many years and both had deep passions for acting and believed in the same religion. Sheren praised Cho Lam was a good man with talent and security.

When mentioned about her work arrangement, Sheren disclosed the most attractive points about the new series was having location shooting in Shanghai and Barcelona and others places and young guys as the opponents. Asking about her love life, Sheren said: "I am good now and feel contented. (Not thinking about dating?) I did monitor the people surrounding me but my expectations is different now. I emphasis on communication and intelligence."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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