29 years old Carat Cheung's (張名雅) expected date of delivery is supposed to be end April but her baby son, Mario arrives to the world earlier. Mario weighs 7 pounds and both mother and son are fine. She accepts an interview from Ming Pao (明報) and reveals she goes for natural birth and it is very painful.

Carat said: "Very painful! Very painful! Very painful! Everyone gives birth and it turns out to be very suffering!" Her husband accompanied her throughout in the labour room and she said: "The doctor and nurses help me a lot and I feel very touched and try not to cry. It is smooth and the baby is very obedient. Push 3 to 4 times and he comes out. The doctor says exercising regularly helps the process and my hubby cuts the umbilical cord. His tears is coming down when hearing the baby crying. (Does the baby resembles you or your hubby?) Both. He keeps smiling and I keep telling him to be obedient before giving birth and showering."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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