Kay Tse (謝安琪) announced she will stopping all work schedules after her concert in last April. There were many speculations of her being pregnant with her second child. Half a year later, husband Louis Cheung (張繼聰) uploaded on Instagram a photo of his wife's big belly and announced Kay is carrying a baby girl. After the news broke out, everyone was happy for both the husband and wife. During Kay's resting period, Louis would accompany her most of the time despite his busy schedule. During these times, Kay has become a happy wife.

Earlier on March 13th was Kay's 40th birthday and her friends gave many baby products as a birthday gift. Even the unborn baby girl can already feel the love. It is known that Kay will be expected to give birth on March 20th. Before there was rumours that the baby has yet to be turned around and will have a cesarean at Sha Tin's Union Hospital. There was also rumours of Kay wanting another child soon. Although Louis denied these rumours and said the baby is healthy and is also looking forward to the birth of a new life. Their son James Cheung (張瞻) will turn 10 years old this year and will also soon be a big brother. Although he and his sister will be 10 years difference in age, but we are sure he will help mum out with helping his sister change nappies and have responsibilities as a big brother.

Source: hk01 (HK)
Translated by: lucychoi559 @ Asian Media Buzz
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