Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) and Kenneth Ma (馬國明) attend an event on 25 March and sing Mandarin song, Courage (勇氣) together. It seems that she is telling him to woo her but he sings friendship song in return.

Both appear embarrassed on the stage and Kenneth does not place his hand on Jacqueline's shoulder or waist when the reporters request him to do so. Instead, he feels nervous and starts sweating.

When asked if he understood the lyrics of courage song, Kenneth said: "My Mandarin is poor." Jacqueline explained she picked the song randomly and there was no special meaning. Asking about their relationship status, Kenneth said: "We lack of time to go out together after having dinner previously and we only see each other when working."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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