Annie Liu (劉心悠) was filming ancient series, Deep in the Realm of Conscience (深宮計) at TVB City on 12 April and already started the filming for 2 months. When mentioned about Kenneth Ma (馬國明) filmed for long hours, Annie said: "He is the worst and nobody can break his record. My worst days are those days in Filmart and I sleep for few hours only." Asking if she was worried about her health, Annie replied she ate Chinese medicine to nourish her body due to irregular sleeping hours and felt fine until now. She added the filming was fun and the whole cast team resembles a family. The most challenging part was speaking in Cantonese: "I spoke in English especially filming for long hours at night and nobody understands me. Haha!" Annie admitted that she spent long hours to prepare the dialogue and read to her assistant once in order to prevent mistakes. Although her Cantonese improved in the last 2 months, but Annie preferred to film modern to ancient series next time.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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