Ron Ng (吳卓羲) accepts an interview from the show, (1圈圈 星光背後) and praises Andy Lau (劉德華) is a movie lover, extremely professional, powerful, has deep passion for his work and a role model to everyone when filming Shock Wave (拆彈專家) film with him. Asking if they share about being "frozen" by the company before, Ron says: "Of course we do. Haha!" Ron feels unhappy about Andy's injury earlier and gives his regards through a friend.

Pointing about becoming arrogant after gaining popularity, Ron says: "I feel there is improvements and know the problems when having criticisms." He denies about being arrogant and blames it on his dark skin: "Arrogant? I resemble a black face when not smiling but love having dark skin. At that time, I am clueless about communicating with the media and getting used to it after working longer. I can only blame it on myself about not expressing myself clearly."

When mentioned about his relationship status, Ron replies the previous rumours are fake and his mother does not pressure him to get married: "She has skip the marriage stage and asks me about having children. I hope to have common topic with my partner and waiting for the right person to appear now."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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