Singer Fred Cheng (鄭俊弘) is exposed by ON.CC (東網) for dating Stephanie Ho (何雁詩) and pointing as two-time as he has a 3 years relationship with his rich fiancee, Beebs and both even co-habited in an apartment in Discovery Bay together. Subsequently, Fred announces his break-up with Beebs and hold hands tightly with Stephanie to announce their romance.

After his public appearance at Causeway Bay a few days ago, Fred dares not return to the apartment in Discovery Bay and seeks refuge at his parent's apartment in North Point. That day after the event, his sister fetch him and return to North Point together. Fred looks at the camera and appears helpless upon discovering the reporters when walking to the apartment and the car is parked at the carpark for the whole night.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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