The boss of the record company, Herman Ho (何哲圖) defends Fred Cheng (鄭俊弘) and Stephanie Ho (何雁詩) that they are good friends lately but they announce their relationship on the following day. Other artiste such as Jinny Ng (吳若希) and Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) get married suddenly and the "children" lie to their boss in order to date.

On 14 April, a news reports that Herman looks haggard and smokes alone at one side in Mong Kok and it is suspected that he feels upset due to continuous lies.

On Facebook, Jinny anxiously explains that her boss fails to catch a cab and go down for a smoke whenever she is chatting with him. However, some netizens with sharp eyes discover that Herman's table has ash tray with full of cigarettes and order him to stop smoking immediately due to safety hazard.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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