Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) films the movie, 77 Heartbreaks (原諒他77次) with movie king and queen, Anthony Wong (黃秋生) and Kara Hui (惠英紅) and it is considered sparks flying in all directions. In the film, Anthony acts as Charlene's mentor who specialises in dealing divorce cases and he breaks down to her when his wife wants to divorce him. Kara acts as Charlene's mother and both cry together as losing their loved one. Charlene says: "I admire Kara's acting skills all along and she guides me into acting my role character." Kara also praises Charlene shows improvements in her acting skills.

Another male lead, Pakho Chau (周柏豪) has to face 2 veteran such as Paulyn Sun (孫佳君) and Lawrence Cheng (鄭丹瑞) acting as his foster mother and Charlene's father in the film. Pakho Chau expresses it is a rare opportunity that he can scold Lawrence Cheng in the movie but he is extremely respectful to the elderly in reality.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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