Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) attends a make-up event on 24 May and when mentioned about her old love, Tony Hung (洪永城) continues to love her and plan to give a car and shares to retain her, she says: "I know he is looking for a car but never hear that he is giving it to me. That love is friendship love and friends can have friendship love. I do not want to guess or create any misunderstanding."

Natalie does not keep in contact with Tony and asking if she has no more feelings for him, she says: "Not answering it and it is complicated. It is hard to explain and some occurrence in the future may help us. (Tony is more sad than you?) What makes you feel I am not sad? It is my relationship and personal affair. Having no tears does not mean I am not sad and it is unfair to me."

Natalie emphasises Tony and she makes sacrifices in their relationship and when asked if there is any reconciliation, she says: "Anything is possible in this world."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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