Twins has held the world tour concert for 15 rounds and choose to hold the concert on "520" day in Guangzhou. Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) and Gillian Chung (鍾欣桐) feel happy and touched that Twins is formed for 16 years and their tears is dropping when singing the song, Our Love - Sixth Anniversary (相愛六年) on the stage. They kiss together again and hope to have another 16 years.

Charlene says emotionally: "Gillian, I know you for 17 years and we are working together for 16 years. Thank you for accompanying me all along and I love you!" Gillian says while trying to hold back her tears: "You change me from black and white colour to colourful life. I feel more happy and start to become talkative and smile a lot. I really love you a lot!"

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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