Yesterday was 32 years old Chrissie Chau's (周秀娜) birthday and she is filming Deep in the Realm of Conscience (宮心計2‧深宮計) series until dawn. Television producer, Mui Siu Ching (梅小青) and the cast team members including Nancy Wu (胡定欣), Alice Chan (陳煒), Annie Liu (劉心悠), Steven Ma (馬浚偉) and others prepare birthday cake and buffet. On social networking website, Chrissie shares several photos and leaves a message: "522 Happy birthday! Thank you for the celebration and what makes me most happy is the ending of my role character today. It is the last filming for Deep in the Realm of Conscience series."

Subsequently, Chrissie uploads photo of Nancy, Alice and herself posing "V" sign as she has finish the filming of her role character. In the photo, Chrissie's sexy costume shows her cleavage and it is considered eye catching when compared to Nancy and Alice.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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