Carina Lau (劉嘉玲) attended the press conference of the charity drive organised by Ray Lui (呂良偉) on 07 March and expressed she loved art and had been collecting many paintings. She disclosed her husband, Tony Leung (梁朝偉) was learning oil painting lately and completed a painting about nature which was a precious treasure to her.

When asked if she was a queen to Tony as it was International Women's Day on 08 March, Carina said emotionally: "Women should be independent and should not ask for protection. Some arguments may surface due to women's jealousy. (Hear some gossips lately?) Yes, I feel uncomfortable in the past but it makes me stronger now. It does not matter and increase my expectations instead. (Are you hurt?) Nope, using another angle to view myself only. Human may have flaws but nothing is perfect in this world. We need to be role models as celebrities. (Mind about Rosamund Kwan's (關之琳) comments?) I understand and do not mind it. (Remain as friends?) It depends on her and time is the solution."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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