Chrissie Chau (周秀娜) and BabyJohn (蔡瀚億) attended the opening ceremony of the flagship store by C.P.U. on 07 April and mentioning about receiving special treatment from TVB when filming Deep in the Realm of Conscience (深宮計) series, Chrissie said: "Nope. We have different filming schedules as some scenes do not require my presence and it really depends on the scenes. (Need to film overnight?) Yes previously and I film for more than 10 hours as my role character fights very well. But I need to wear the concubine costume to fight and tend to fall down easily. (Able to withstand the working hours in TVB?) It is okay and I can stand it. Enjoying my work is most important."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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