Elaine Ng (吳綺莉) visit her daughter, Etta Ng (吳卓林) at the hospital in Causeway Bay and emphasises to the media not to follow her so as to handle her family affair. She leaves after 30 minutes and keeps sighing in the car. As her car parks at the emergency lot, the ambulance has to detour before the patient can be send into the hospital.

Before returning home, Elaine buys many beverages at the supermarket and chats on the phone outside her house. When asked about Etta's condition, Elaine said: "Tell you already she feels unwell. (When she will be discharged?) No idea. (Chat with her anything?) Nothing. (How is her mood?) Many people are looking after her. (Anybody takes care of her?) Doctor and nurses. (Any updates?) Inconvenient to say it. Thank you."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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