33 years old Fred Cheng (鄭俊弘) joins showbiz for 10 years and it is considered a tough journey. He admits his bank account only has 2 digit during low peak until emerging as the champion in The Voice of the Stars (星夢傳奇) competition 4 years ago. He becomes famous overnight and gets to film series, Provocateur (與諜同謀) with Gallen Lo (羅嘉良) and confesses there is stress but Gallen and other colleagues are nice and it reduces his pressure.

Fred recalls he feels discouraged when there is no job but he does not give up and applies leave from the company to study acting course in Canada. His mentor says there is no small roles but small actors and they must make the role characters alive. He adds his bank account only has $100 during the worst times and manages to develop his singing career as he rejects several filming last year.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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