Fred Cheng (鄭俊弘) is present at an activity at a shopping mall on 08 April after admitting his relationship with Stephanie Ho (何雁詩) and feels touched and emotional upon receiving continuous supports from his fans. He discloses the senior management, Herman Ho (何哲圖) contacts him and consoles him instead.

When mentioned about pointed as liar, Fred emphasises he is protecting his relationship: "I do not want Stephanie to face it alone. (Decide to hold hands and admit your relationship before 3 hours at the airport?) This is our decision and I know she suffers tremendous pressure. (Worry the company will "frozen" you?) Did think about it but Stephanie gives me her full support and trust. (Receive scolding from the company?) We did discuss together and they support me. We resemble a family."

Fred rejects to reveal the actual date of the beginning of their relationship: "Stephanie is definitely not a third party. (The news reported that you had dinner with Stephanie on 12 March and you were dating together despite having a relationship with your old love, Beebs at that time?) I read the news and we have dinner together after work. We are not a couple at that time and she is definitely not a third party."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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