Fred Cheng (鄭俊弘) has a fiancee, Beebs and continues to date Stephanie Ho (何雁詩). He accepted an interview on 05 April and emphasised he was not a two-timer and denied his relationship with Stephanie. However, a magazine exposed they held hands and viewed apartment together and it made his image worse as a result. When Stephanie was pointed as third party, Fred said: "She supports me." Three days ago on social networking website. she shared photo of her messy hair blowed by the wind which described her current mood: "You continue to stand beside me despite the rough weather and I see it. You are the ones showing real concern for me and those who know me should understand me well. Do not need to say much about others and let's face it together." Stephanie travels to China to film series this evening and plans to explain to the media at the airport.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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