Nicky Wu (吳奇隆) attended a renowned brand watch event at Kai Tak Cruise Terminal on 28 April and when mentioned about her former rumoured girlfriend, Charlie Young (楊采妮) announced giving birth to a baby boy a few days ago, Nicky replied he was aware of it but had not congratulated her as he was in China most of the times: "I will congratulate her and it is considered the happiest moment. (How many children do you plan to have?) It does not cross my mind and baby gender does not matter. (Discuss with your wife?) Nope. Haha. We love children though. (Is your wife anxious?) It should be you as you keep asking about it. (Any chance to work with Charlie Young?) I know she becomes a director and it depends on our destiny though."

Nicky stayed in Hong Kong for 1 day and will be participating in production work for 2 ancient drama in New Zealand, while his wife returned to Beijing from England a few days ago. Asking if it was hard to see each other, Nicky said: "We will see each other soon and get to spend lots of time together. (Make baby?) Let's wait until we see each other. Haha! (When is your previous meeting?) Last week and no need to be anxious."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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