Actress Corinna Chamberlain (陳明恩) attended an event related to Mother's Day and disclosed she will be having dinner with her mother for celebration. Asking when she planned to become a mother, Corinna said: "Plan to enjoy two person world and focusing on my career. Let's discuss it after 2 years later. (Any pressure?) Nope. My mother has grandchildren anyway but my mother in-law is anxious though but will give us time."

As Corinna seldom cooks, she goes for cooking lessons and praises her mother in-law's culinary skills is excellent. She uses few hours to cook more than 10 dishes and asking if she seeks advice from her mother in-law, Corinna said: "Yes, she sends many food recipes to me and I learn many things from her. I am also learning Mandarin now."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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