Elaine Ng (吳綺莉) attended Cheng Ming Ming's (鄭明明) 46th wedding anniversary party and expressed her daughter, Etta Ng was currently in the hospital and believed she will be discharged soon. When asked if she lost weight and shared photo of the cat due to missing Etta on Facebook, Elaine said: "Not me but the cat."

When asked if Etta shouted upon visiting her at the hospital and alarmed the staff eventually, Elaine said: "Sometimes the daughter talks loudly to the mother and vice-versa. (Has her attitude softens or remains the same?) It cannot be resolve within a day or happen a day. We did discuss and need to increase our understanding and learn especially an adult. (Is Etta seeing the doctor about mental disorder?) Anyway, she is good and safe in the hospital."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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