Evergreen Mak (麥長青) accepts an interview at radio station and when asked if TVB Executive, Sandy Yu (余詠珊) invites him to host the show after leaving TVB for 6 months, he describes TVB resembles a maiden home and remains devoted to it. Asking about the reason for his return, Evergreen says: "I am not unhappy when leaving 6 months ago but wish to venture outside only. Earlier, Sandy invites me to host the show, "" and I feel minor family stuff and society can cause barriers. Artiste have the responsibility towards the society and I hope everyone will start from the family after watching the show. (Your salary in TVB is higher now?) China is definitely higher as the market in Hong Kong cannot give too high but I am already happy with some pay rise. I feel the company treasures us if we give more respect. (Feel the changes is too fast as you return quickly?) I have mention I am on stand-by and it is consider a maiden home. Frankie Lam (林文龍) and I join TVB in 1987 and he already leaves a few times. (Filming series again?) It depends on the script and opportunity."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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