Michael Miu (苗僑偉) and Eddie Cheung (張兆輝) attended the worshipping ceremony of new film, Flying Tiger (飛虎極戰) by Shaw Brothers Studio on 16 May and it turns out that they know each other for 30 years but it is their first time to film together. Michael said: "Must learn from Eddie as he belongs to movie king category." Eddie said: "You are the most stylish in the universe." Michael pointed he was too exaggerating as many people were more stylish than him.

When asked if they underwent any training, Michael described he started to exercise last year but he injured his shoulder when 20 years old and it was still painful when exercising now. Hence, he left the muscles showing scene to Eddie and praised he had a good body. Eddie said: "Hope to train more whenever I am free."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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