It was 36 years old Natalie Tong's (唐詩詠) birthday on 03 May and she has dinner with Janet Chow (周家蔚) at the airport in Nanning and plans to return to Hong Kong after attending an event. As her boyfriend, Tony Hung (洪永城) is filming The Learning Curve of a Warlord (大帥哥) series at TVB City, it is unsure if they will be celebrating together.

Mentioning about receiving compliments for her good acting skills in My Unfair Lady (不懂撒嬌的女人) series, Natalie says during a telephone interview with Ming Pao (明報): "6 months ago before filming, the film producer has been discussing the script with us and there is lots of communications. Hence, the series is close to reality and I feel happy when filming it. We get to discuss the script, production, role image and lots of freedom for us to act the role characters. (Get praises for your crying scene?) It is an emotional scene and the director is willing to give us more time. As it is film at a later stage, it increases my understanding for my role character which makes it easier to film it. I remember I have some scenes with Vincent Wong (王浩信) on that day and I cannot stop myself from having tears."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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