Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) appeared calm when promoting My Unfair Lady (不懂撒嬌的女人) series on 15 May and admitted she was troubled by her relationship with Tony Hung (洪永城). They will try to find time to resolve their problem as she is busy with promotions while Tony is filming series.

When asked if they were having cold war, Natalie said: "We will say it at a later time and please give us more time. (Answer it together?) Will not be saying the method and I do not want to make it exaggerating. We are trying to find a comfortable method and thank you for the patience and we will try our best to resolve it." Mentioning about the rumours about getting married or separation, Natalie rejected to reply and emphasise to resolve it together. (Alvin Chau's (周焯華) favourite staff, Andrew (盧啟邦) is wooing you?) Such rumours are common and I do not want to affect others as he is an outsider after all. (Notice his news?) It is unrelated to me and hope he is healthy and safe."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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