James Ng's (吳業坤) debut EP album, Yuan Lai Ta Bu Gou Ai Wo (原來他不夠愛我) failed to achieve satisfactory result 2 years ago but his name, Kwan Gor manages to become popular in Hong Kong. Hence, it gives him a chance to hold concert in Hong Kong Coliseum. However, many people continue to suspect his voice cord and he says: "In fact, I feel very fortunate as given many chances but my pressure becomes greater as well and hope to change my mindset."

Mentioning about the netizens are full of love and hatred for him at the same time, James feels there is no way to explain but only to accept it and try to improve his singing. He believes he will get the recognition from them one day: "Reflection does not cross my mind before until I start to sing. Perhaps my foundation is week and I used to accept any jobs. Many people hope I can reach that stage and I am trying to improve myself and become a competent person."

James does not wish to reach the highest peak but wants to use the initial feelings to get into the crowd and walk towards the same direction together.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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