Actress Yoyo Chen (陳自瑤) preforms catwalk during Mother's Day event and expresses her daughter gives her drawing as Mother's Day gift. She will be having dinner with her mother tonight but her husband, Vincent Wong (王浩信) is absent due to working.

When asked if Vincent has done something similar and caring stuff as his popularity increases and classifies as "caring guy" after filming My Unfair Lady (不懂撒嬌的女人) series, Yoyo says: "Yes, but different song and he will practise singing. Anyway, we are more easy going. (Proposing marriage is most romantic?) Yes. My friend and I watch his stage play and he arranges us to sit separately. Suddenly, he says he has something to and I start to cry when he proposes marriage to me. (Your husband is a caring man.) Yes, 100 marks but not as exaggerating as in the drama. (Feel angry when watching his relationship scenes with Natalie Tong (唐詩詠)?) I did watch it and he is very sweet. Natalie and I film Succession War (天命) series together earlier. (Natalie has suitor?) We do not talk about this. (Any updates about Tony Hung (洪永城) and herself?) Let's wait for them to say it by themselves."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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