A few days ago on social networking website, Jennifer Shum (岑杏賢) announced she ended her 3 years relationship with Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪) and it is pointed that he stirred her jealousy when failing to keep a distance from the actresses. On 24 November, Benjamin appeared haggard during an event and said: "Firstly, I would like to apologise to the affected actress due to my problem with Jennifer. I fail to do it well, hurt her and cause her to lose security. She does not force me to marry her but jealousy causes her to lose security. She is a good woman and it is my fault for not cherishing her."

Benjamin emphasised they remained as friends and asking about the reason for lacking of security, he said: "I guess we need to understand each other again when a woman makes this decision. (You have broken up during TVB Anniversary Gala on 19 November?) It started from 20 November. (Did you do something wrong?) I fail to do it well and do not wish to elaborate the details but she has forgiven me."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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