Actor Jack Wu (胡諾言) attended an interview at radio station and expressed he was currently filming advertisement now and series in December. When mentioned about his wife, June Chan (陳琪) gave birth to baby son lately, Jack thanks Master Li Kui Ming (李居明) for naming his son as Jayden (胡澔錕): I love this name but my son might ask me about the complexity of his name but I wish he will be healthy and happy. When I reach home, my daughter is doing homework while my son is crying. It is quite enjoying!"

Asking if it was harder to take care of his daughter or son, Jack said: "My son eats a lot and needs to drink milk within 3 hours but will throw temper after 2 hours. Actually, my children are obedient and he is more active, as he is born in the monkey zodiac. (Lack of sleep when taking care of them?) It is harder during 2 to 3 weeks but better now. My wife keeps asking me about my turn to look after them and I tell her later. (Will prepare a baby shower party?) Yes, might have dinner with my friends and we shall see first."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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