Chinese actress Crystal Liu (劉亦菲) attended Tissot event as spoke person in Hong Kong and expressed she completed filming the movie on 15 November. When asked about her thoughts about Hong Kong, Crystal replied she was familiar with Hong Kong's action films and loved to go for shopping spree. When the organisation committee aired the advertisement clip of Crystal feeling overjoyed when receiving present during the event, Crystal said: "Filming advertisement and movie are similar and we must show the best sides. (Which best side do you wish to maintain in a day?) There is many beautiful sides in a day." She hoped to have more challenges and better performance.

Asking about the type of Christmas gift that she wished to give, Crystal said: "A watch as it is a meaningful present. I attended my friend's wedding banquet in Italy earlier and went to pick a watch in Tissot at the airport. My assistant asked if there was any discount as I was their spoke person but it was rejected ultimately."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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