4th May is 53 years old Wayne Lai's (黎耀祥) birthday and the cast team of The "5D musical" concert, The Storm Show (風雲5D音樂劇) celebrate with him in advance. Two days ago on Weibo, Wayne's wife shares photo of the dinner celebration on 02 May and there is Ray Lui (呂良偉), his wife, Yang Xiaojuan (楊小娟) and Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and his girlfriend, Grace Chan (陳凱琳), Lawrence Cheng (鄭丹瑞), the boss of the stage play and others.

Wayne leaves a message: "A surprise birthday celebration! Thank you to the boss for organising this birthday party and creating the cast team of The "5D musical" concert. It is a nice birthday cake and I witness an extraordinary experience."

As it was Xiaojuan's birthday on 03 May, they also celebrate together and Ray says: "Will be eating vegetarian dinner at the temple and hope we will stay healthy!"

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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