Senior film producer, Chan Pui Wah (陳佩華) passed away on 28 April. She works with Raymond Lam (林峯), Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and others before when working as former senior management in TVB.

Raymond expresses his gratitude for her concern during an interview with ON.CC (東網): "She resembles my loved ones since working in TVB and shows full of concern for everyone. I learn a lot of things from her and feel very sad about her passing away. Hope she rests in peace and I will continue to work hard and refrain from letting her down."

As for Kevin, he feels sad when receiving the news and seldom keeps in contact with her in the recent years: "We see each other frequently when working in TVB and I feel very sad about her passing away."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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