Chinese actress, Tiffany Tang (唐嫣) attended an event related to racecourse and expressed it was her first time at racecourse and will stay in Hong Kong for 1 day. When asked if she placed any bets, Tiffany said: "I am clueless at betting and let's see if I have any chances. (You will be filming movie, Europe Raiders (歐洲攻略)?) Will be filming in few days later and it takes place at Italy and Shanghai. (There is earthquake in Italy earlier?) Can feel it and awake by it when sleeping. (Afraid?) Slightly. (Worry about affecting the filming progress?) Nope as it is resting time. (Filming duration?) For some time."

Asking if she looked for her good friend, Yang Mi's (楊冪) daughter, Tiffany said: "Time is very tight as I need to work and promote new film. Going to different cities daily. (Will meet up?) Nope but Yang Mi and I keep in contact through telephone and Wei Xin. It is hard to meet up and might bump into each other when working."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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