Actress Carina Lau (劉嘉玲) wore expensive jewellery to attend an opening ceremony of jewellery shop and it attracted huge crowds. She expressed it had been a long time since she came to Mong Kok and said: "Get to see something and it is very lively. There is many jewellery shops and should be able to attract many tourists." When asked if she wished to invest in jewellery business, Carina replied it was a big project: "Every girl loves jewellery. (Thinking of designing it by yourself?) Yes, but I am bad at drawing and it is better to admire other people's workpiece."

Carina had been collecting many jewellery for many years and will buy jewellery for herself on her birthday and joyous occasions. Her husband, Tony Leung (梁朝偉) will buy it for her too and when asked if he gave it to her as surprise or during show, Carina said: "He happens to film movie in Europe and buys antique jewellery for me as he knows I love it. (Are you worried when Tony is in Italy and there is a earthquake earlier?) He tells me immediately and his safety is most important."

Asking if she met up with her good friend, Faye Wong (王菲) as she came to Hong Kong, Carine replied she had no idea as she was in China frequently. When asked if she knew Faye went for lasik surgery, Carina said: "No idea and I will ask her later."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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