Artiste Hawick Lau (劉愷威) and Yang Mi (楊冪) seldom spend time together due to their hectic work schedules but the Chinese media pointed that Hawick had close relationship with Chinese actress, Angel Wang (王鷗) on 09 November.

Apparently, Hawick and his filming partner, Angel were filming The Legend of Jade Sword (莽荒紀) in Xinjiang lately and the production crew team celebrated his birthday on 13 October. At that time, Angel helped him to wear the hat and they appeared very close. On 14 October, the filming was forced to stop due to the strong wind and all were enjoying themselves in Angel's hotel room.

It was pointed that Hawick joined them at 8pm and everyone returned to their respective room to sleep after that, as they needed to resume filming on next day. However around 7 plus, Hawick appeared when Angel's assistant disappeared in her hotel room and somebody witnessed Hawick left the room after 4 hours. In addition, Hawick was pointed to have steamboat with Angel when filming Full Love (周末父母) drama.

Hawick and Angel have not reply after the rumours begin to circulate but the production crew team replied the script might have changes anytime and they were discussing about the script only. Looks like the team is very clear about the situation.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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