Artiste Joey Meng (萬綺雯) and Otto Chan (陳志健) attended an event and expressed it was meaningful to participate in a stage play before and hoped the opposite party will give her a small role.

When asked about the rehearsal for the stage play with Steven Ma (馬浚偉) and it will be airing on 3 to 6 November, Joey said: "It is okay. (Will learn from Alice Chan (陳煒) bringing her husband in Wai Gor's Wok show (煒哥的味道)?) Nope as Alice has her own show. (Will do the same?) Unnecessarily as he is a low-key person."

Mentioning about Ada Choi (蔡少芬) became her replacement when rejected to film Come On, Cousin III (老表3) series for stage play, Joey said: "Please do not say that as it is a new story plot. Plus, Pinky Cheung (張文慈) will be filming and they are important. (Have confidence even without you?) I feel happy as Pinky is participating and hope 2 'sisters' will film together."

Otto disclosed he acted as a fat student in stage play lately and the background was in a stationary shop.

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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