Artiste Katy Kung (龔嘉欣), Gloria Tang (鄧佩儀), Louis Cheung (張繼聰), Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) and others were promoting Two Steps from Heaven (幕後玩家) series and Katy revealed her legs and waist when playing car stimulation game. Katy and Gloria exposed their safety precautions as a result. Katy expressed she was the safest driver among them: "I drive most safely and do not have any point deductions at all." She added she wore 3 pairs of shoes and was not worried about exposing herself when playing games.

Katy disclosed she will be working on her birthday next month as filming pre-modern series with Raymond Wong (黃浩然) and Grace Chan (陳凱琳). She planned to buy property as her birthday gift but only viewing it currently: "Looks like I can buy it after my birthday. (Ask people to buy it for you?) I have backbone and will buy it by myself. (Find a male owner for the property?) I rejected the blind date arranged by my friend and do not wish to have any rumours."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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