Artiste Lisa Chong (莊思明) and wore wedding and evening gowns revealing her cleavage at wedding exhibition in Hong Kong.

Lisa expressed it was her first time to wear wedding gown after dating Mat Yeung (楊明): "Used to wear wedding gowns several times in the past and have no special feelings. (Show the photo to Mat?) I wish to but have no idea of using which angle to take photo. (Wedding bells is ringing soon?) Everybody keeps asking him and it is special to say I have not buy wedding ring yet. (Can accept female propose marriage to male?) Some friends do that but I still think guys should propose marriage after all."

When asked if she will work as couple team and have fun with Mat in overseas, Lisa said: "Can consider and need to earn more money first. (Katy Kung (龔嘉欣) becomes the third party?) She has more rumours and perhaps she has a male character. (Will keep a distance?) Maybe it is unrelated to her."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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