Lynn Hung (熊黛林) wore a red dress and rose gold diamond ring on her ring finger to attend a car event and expressed she chose the ring together with her husband, Kwok Ho Chung (郭可頌).

When asked if there was any special meaning when registering her marriage on 27 October, Lynn said: "Nope as it is to suit our schedule and 27 October is a prosperous date. My husband wishes to register our marriage quickly. (Your husband is anxious?) Yes, we wish to have a low-key wedding and a simple dinner with our family. (Why?) Hope to have baby quickly." She denied about the pregnancy and did not have any safety precaution now.

Asking if it will cause gossips as 26 October happened to be her old love, Aaron Kwok's (郭富城) birthday and she registered her marriage 1 day after, Lynn said: "I only remember it after you ask and let's forget about it as it happened a long time ago. (Afraid of pointing as showing off?) We cannot avoid it and our happiness is most important."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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