Actress Niki Chow (周麗淇) wore revealing dress showing her sexy charm to attend an event and expressed she had many ample safety precautions. When asked if she asked for any tips from her sister aka 'Safety Precaution Queen', Kathy Chow (周汶錡), Niki said: "I am better than her and make safety precaution even wearing t-shirt. I dare not lean down even if there is gold on the ground."

Mentioning about her good friend, Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) wished to get married and have baby, Niki said: "She got married before and we chatted about earning money now as we might not have jobs in the future and cannot rely on men at all. (Competing who gets married first?) She is the winner but single is better after all. (Your old love, Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) is pointed to co-habit with his girlfriend, Grace Chan (陳凱琳).) Our love is dead long ago and you are still asking me? Anyway, it is inconvenient for me to comment and their happiness is most important. I feel happy for them."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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