Singer Stephanie Ho (何雁詩) disclosed she was drunk when celebrating her 24 years old birthday during an event: "It is a special day and many friends celebrated with me. (Including your boyfriend?) Nope. Male friends and friends from showbiz. (Very drunk?) No idea. (Where do you stay?) At home and need to retrieve my phone and wallet from my friend's house on the following day. (Male friend sends you home?) Cab driver and I rang the doorbell which woke my family up. (Any guys want to date you on your birthday?) Nope and no gift as well." When asked if she saw something dirty due to something on her right eye, Stephanie laughed and said: "Nope. Perhaps the new plant beside my bed has some bug and I will see a doctor later."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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