Actress Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) attended an event related to breast cancer and expressed she had no idea how to take care of herself due to her hectic work schedule, but she started to take note of her health upon hearing her friends got breast cancer. She will look for a female doctor for body check-up yearly in order to avoid embarrassment.

When asked about her body maintenance, Charmaine said: "Try to have sufficient rest and keep myself happy. (Reduce your workload?) Yes, I am enjoying my work now and will only do meaningful stuff. (Dating helps you to relax?) Hope so. Love gives nourishment and makes people look beautiful. Looking forward to it now. (Dating now?) Nope. Applying mask now. (Many suitors?) Can accept it. (Monitoring now?) Nope. (Any target?) Nope. (High expectations?) Waiting for fate now. (You are golden prime lady now.) Temporarily and I believe I will date soon. (Is your mother anxious?) She is okay and knows I have a happy life."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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