Vincent Wong (王浩信), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), Zoie Tam (譚凱琪) and others attended the worshipping ceremony of Crossing Boundaries (踩過界) series at TVB City on 08 November and it was amusing when Sisley was seen wearing fake rabbit tooth. When asked if she could accept her looks with 'rabbit tooth' as she was pointed to resemble Internet celebrity, (達哥), Sisley said: "Yes, it looks very nice. I used to be sexy but look cute now after appearing with 'rabbit tooth'. There is a scene that I need to scold Vincent fiercely and he was covered with my saliva instead." Vincent disclosed he acted as a blind person and had several intimate scenes with Ali Lee (李佳芯): "There is a scene that Ali needs to kiss me in bed and I need to show my body. Hence, I have been exercising and keeping fit lately." Vincent admitted it was the most passionate process ever since he started filming.

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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