Artiste Eliza Sam (岑麗香) and Vincent Wong (王浩信) were filming the preview clip for Heart of Greed 3 (溏心風暴3) series. Michelle Yim (米雪) acted as her mother who forbade Eliza to date Vincent Wong who owned a cafe. When mentioned about Michelle praised her Cantonese improved, Eliza said: "Hopefully after this few years. Vincent and I filmed Brick Slaves (樓奴) series last year and my Cantonese should be better when filming this series in February 2017. But my English is worse now. (Talk to your boyfriend in English?) Please do not talk about him. Anyway, I am doing more research about my role and looking forward to the collaboration."

Vincent disclosed his love story with Eliza resembled Romeo and Juliet story and praised she showed improvements: "She can speak Cantonese fluently now and accumulates many experiences. She should be more mature since dating now."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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