Geoffrey Wong (黃子雄) who has worked in the entertainment industry for 13 years. In Best Selling Secrets (同事三分親), he played Vincent. Come Home Love (愛‧回家), as Damon Cha Ga Jak. Burning Hands (乘勝狙擊) as Sam Gou Sek. All of these are either rich characters or are a high role profession, which is simply in the category of the social class. He is classified as one of TVB's soon poon, but Geoff denies that's true. He accepted Hong Kong 01 (香港01) radio interview and said: "I'm rich? I would not dare. I am from an average family background. 'Not up to those above, but above those below', I have always used this quote to describe myself".

I would be pretty lucky myself, to be able to travel overseas for studies and graduate at King's College London in Food Science and Management. After returning to Hong Kong to work and getting a job enabled me to support myself economically. I did not ask my mother for money after returning. I am able to buy the things I want, while living a comfortable life. I do have a car, but it's not the really expensive type". As many have heard his words, they now know what life Geoffrey Wong is living.

Source: Apple Daily (HK)
Translated by: lucychoi559 @ Asian Media Buzz
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