Actress Ali Lee (李佳芯) gets rid of villain roles after filming Law dis-Order (律政強人) and Fashion War (潮流教主) series and expressed she acted as a naive lawyer in Law dis-Order series and it was her real nature: "It is considered a silly role and I become smarter after learning from Alex Fong (方中信). It seems that it is my real nature initially and others assume I am full of confidence upon seeing me but it is the opposite in reality. I have a straightforward thinking and do not have any bad intentions."

In the series, Ali resembled a lamb trapping by wolves, Liu Kai Chi (廖啟智) and Alex Fong and suffered tremendous pressure upon knowing that she will be filming series with them: "Feel very stressful when need to film series with them but it disappear quickly and I do not want to lose this rare opportunity. I also feel very stressful and cannot sleep well before airing the series but manage to relax myself after that."

Source: ON.CC (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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