Cherie Chung (鍾楚紅) attended a watch exhibition on 17 October and many people took photo of her when viewing the exhibition. When asked if she was used to people taking photo of her, Cherie said: "Starting to accept it as surround by media. (Meet any crazy fan?) It is alright and they usually request for autograph and taking photos together. (Always agree to their requests?) Not all the time. I feel they need to respect me when eating but will make up to them after eating."

Asking about her selfie skills as Chow Yun Fat's (周潤發) selfie skills shocked the whole world, Cherie said: "He is tall and has long fingers. But I do not have the same skills as him." She expressed her wish to visit Iran and Jerusalem and the building in overseas looked very beautiful. When asked if she will travel together with Yun Fat, Cherie said: "Yes, I guess he is interested to explore beautiful places."

Source: Ming Pao (HK)
Translated by: tvfan @ Asian Media Buzz
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